November 21, 2009 (2)

November 21, 2009

9:46pm Saturday

Let me write down about the last couple of days:

Thursday – well actually Friday morning I went to the New Moon premiere at midnight! With Delia and Tabitha. We had made shirts, and I drove. We got to the theater at 10, I had brought candy, we sat for two hours and then the movie came on. It was SO good! Jacob Black = so fucking hot! Yeah, and I’m team Jacob now. After the movie I saw Bailey from work going to the 2:30am showing. I told her that it was really good! She said, have fun going to school later! So, we slept for a total of 3 hours. I felt fine first through third hour and then crashed fourth, fell asleep in fifth, sixth (failed my civics test) and seventh. Came home, took a nap/rest for 45 minutes and then went to work. I worked with Aimee, Mildred, Layla, Derek and Erin. We got out on time. I was holding up pretty nicely too! So, I came home and Meryl was here with her friends and I waited for Gil and Emily to come.

Let’s skip to today now. Woke up this morning and took Meryl’s friends home. Came back, opened all the windows upstairs to air it out, it smelled like pot, smoke, and sex. Ha wow. Ironic huh? And I turned on the fan. I pretty much sat around all day. Mom came home and blew up at us, Cathy called her. She made us clean. But she just knows about Meryl, not me. 😊 but we got our phones taken away for a week. Whatever. And yeah. Now I’m going to go talk with Meryl about my night and the 3 sum! 😊

❤ Ava Estelle

Present day me: I remember my mom took away my phone too because I allowed my sister to have friends over while she was gone. Having my phone taken away for a week wasn’t that bad at the time. Looking back on these few days as a 30 year old it’s amazing what I could get through without much sleep and still be okay overall. These days I could not do a full day of school and working on little sleep like that. It’s a fun experience to look back on.

February 24, 2008

February 24, 2008

Dream from last night.

Hannah was having a party, but it was up at my cabin. Aaron was over (of course) and it was winter out. The layout of the cabin was different though. So, I guess all we did at the party was lounge around in my room and have a treasure hunt with everyone. It was kind of cool. Then I had a dream that I was hanging out in my room here in town and I hear my dad come home and yell up the stairs, “Gram’s is here!” and I rushed down the stairs and saw her wearing the same outfit that she was wearing in the picture that I have of her on my whiteboard. So, I give her a big hug and tell her about my life.

So yesterday I went to see Definitely, Maybe with Rhonda at 1:30 and that ended around 4. We walked around the mall until Delia, Beth, Hannah and Tabitha were coming. So, they got there and we hung out til about 6. Then Hannah and Rhonda had to leave so it was just the four of us. We went to Deb and tried on dresses. Then we went to Inside Scoop and bought candy because we went to see the movie 27 Dresses! So I saw two movies in one day! They were both really really good! After 27 Dresses we went home. Tabitha gave me a ride home. Then today I played DDR a few times and just hung out. It was relaxing. G’night!

Ava Estelle

Present day me: I remember this being quite an awesome thing! To be able to see two movies at the same theater in one day, with different friends! I also remember having that dream about Gram. I still miss her very much. I believe when a soul that’s passed shows up in one of my dreams that is their way of connecting with me again. This was my first dream with her in it since her passing. I gave her the biggest hug I could when I reached her!